Deyanira Garcia

Please tell us about your current plans after high school and what inspired you to choose this path?  I will be taking a gap year just so I can figure out exactly what I would like to do as a career in the future. Throughout High School I always wanted to work as an Interior Designer or an Entrepreneur. Both careers inspired and still inspire me to this day because I enjoy working around my home, and having a business would show me that I was able to be successful on my own.

Please tell us a little bit about your family.  I live with my brother, my kitten and my mother. My mother is a single mother who raised my brother and I on her own. She inspires me everyday and has been the best example to me ever since I was a child. My mother who is a mother and father to me has always been my only support and she motivates me so I can have the opportunity to graduate High School. She taught me that I can be happy and successful with or without the help of others.

What are couple of your favorite restaurants in our community?  A couple of my all time favorite restaurants in our community would have to be La Cabanita Mex, Dangs, and Burger Grill.

Who is the most interesting person you’ve met here in our community?  Have not yet met an interesting person.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?  I would travel to Austria because it looks beautiful and I would like to be able to experience different cultures and meet different people.

What is one of your favorite movies? TV shows?  I’m into Horror movies and Shows, I would have to say The Haunting of Hill House is one of my favorites.

What’s the best advice you ever received from a teacher? Who was the teacher?  The best advice I’ve ever received was from Mr. Vandenberg, a Dual Immersion Humanities teacher I had in Middle School. The last day of my 8th grade year, Mr. V told me to believe in myself and that I could do it. I would remember that throughout High School when I was struggling on school work. I wasn’t the best in his class and would have trouble understanding the topics but he was always there to help my peers and I.

What is your go to band / singer when you can’t decide what to listen to?  Depends on the day and my mood.

What one word best describes you? Why?  Bubbly because I can be lively and happy.

What is your favorite thing or something unique about our community?  Something I like about our community is that everyone is willing to help each other during tough situations.

Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?  I see myself being successful, happy and working in a career that I will love.

What show are you binge-watching right now?  On My Block.

What is something interesting most people don’t know about you?  I’m not always shy, I can be very talkative.

Who inspires you to be better?  My mother.

If you could go back over your entire school career, what is one thing you would do differently?  I would enjoy every single bit of it, I would join more clubs for sure.

Who or what do you miss the most right now?  I miss going to school, enjoying the last few weeks until we graduate.

What’s the first thing you want to do when this quarantine is over?  I would like to hang out with friends and family.

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